Thursday, 18 August 2011

A new iPhone coming up again?!

The 1st iPhone was released in 2007, 2nd gen in 2008, 3rd in 2009, .... and in 2011 another 5th gen coming up. I swear every year they update more and more features just to keep up the consumer stats. Oh sweet! The new one has speakers! The year after you will find they add a bigger mgp camera on the front, or on the side. So what do you do? You ditch the old one and spend another $199 to buy a new one (unless you are cheap and keep with your old one).

So how about this, Apple:  every year when you release a new modified iPhone, the buyer pay an extra $30 dollars to exchange the newly released one with the old one?

On average, cell phones are used only 18 months before being replaced. Most unused phones are stored in drawers before eventually being thrown away. in a year, more than 125 million cell phones, 65000 tons of waste, will be discarded annually. Cadmium, lead and brominated fire retardants are contained in most phones.

Not to be long and boring about the environmental damage, consider how much phones we buy and throw away each year, just to satisfy the feel of the new technology!

So why not exchange the customer's old phone with the new release with a charge of a small cost? Releasing a iOS5.0 just after when someone bought the iOS4.0 will just put them off or just irritating. Beside, recycling contributes to saving the environment.

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